First off, wishing all the wonderful and special Dad's a very Happy Father's Day!! Today I really have been missing Dad. They say the first holiday's without them are the toughest and I think that is true.
This morning I woke up about 7:45 a.m. (oh yes I love the weekends) only to find out the power was out. Well thank goodness Larry had gotten up a little earlier and we at least had a fresh pot of coffee. So I instantly thought this is definitely putting a crimp in my plans for Father's Day as I had a nice breakfast planned for him but that didn't happen. So what exciting things did we do while we were without power for 9 hours? Well I got the house cleaned up and then Larry reminded me I could always go clean up my craft room that I'd been neglecting lol. When he gives me that cute grin with his dimples showing I can't really resist lol. I thought oh nice......well I suppose.
So off I went and decided to pull EVERYTHING out of the closet and corners where things were stashed and this is how I started it all off. Now be prepared.........WARNING!!! THIS IS NOT PRETTY!!! lol
So off to organizing I went. I had already bought a bunch of plastic totes but hadn't done anything with them so after 3 straight hours, my closet and craft room looks much better. I'm excited to not have to sit there where did I put that? Does that ever happen to you???? Please tell me it does :)
Up on the top shelf and all labeled :) Even have a few empty ones and room for more if I need :)
The totes down below. Love these as if I need to bring them out they are on wheels so perfect!!
And now I can walk again in my craft room!! Yay!! It needs to stay this way now lol.
So then 2 of the kids came over with their spouses and 2 of the grandkids to give Larry some gifts and I was able to sit down and visit with them for awhile. Carissa was sweet as she had called and I had told her that our power was out and so she walked in with 2 coffees for us :) Yay!! Hey, you can never have to much coffee here on the weekends at our house. After they left I was famished from really not eating all day due to the change of plans (stupid power.....still don't know what happened and probably won't) so I decided to make up for not doing breakfast. This was Larry's special Father's Day dinner. Yummmm!!! I devoured mine before he finished which is really unusual. I told you I was hungry!! hahahahaha
I have tomorrow off as I have my last day of Jury Duty. Hoping it was like a few weeks ago and nothing planned for the docket as I could use another day to just relax and have some fun. I have a few more craft projects I want to finish and start so here's hoping!!
Have a wonderful evening and happy crafting!!
xo ~ Laura