Happy Monday!!
Well I'm in a rush mode to finish the final few projects that I'm doing as gifts and I am right on task. I'm glad I have Thursday off so that I can finish anything else I don't get done during the week nights when I get home from work. Keeping my fingers crossed lol.
My girls were over at the house the other day and they really loved my magnet that I have on my dishwasher and said "Where did you get that?" I of course said "well I made it why?" lol. Did they really think I bought it? Hahahaha. They all said they wanted one as they are tired of their significant others always asking if the dishes were clean or dirty so what did I do??? Yup you guessed it! I made each of them one :) Now my Mod Podge is still semi wet so there is a reflection as I'm impatient when it comes to pictures.

Each is custom to something they enjoy, either color wise, decor or what they absolutely love. Leah's is the Pink one, her favorite color, Krissy's is the one with grapes on it as that is her kitchen decor and Carissa loves her dog very very much so her's in the one with the bone :)
Then I had another piece of magnet so decided to make one in memory of Dad. Hmmmm maybe having it on the refridgerator will make me think twice about grabbing something I shouldn't lol. Why you ask? Well Dad had a nickname for me when I was a very little girl as I was quiet the pudgy one and it was Tubbalubs lol. Yes it stuck like glue!! When I got older and had my kids, I put on a few pounds and he shortened it to Tubby. I just laughed and loved it as he so meant it with love and man did that make Mom mad when he said it and we would both just grin ear to ear. So now I will giggle when I see it on my fridge :)
Have a wonderful evening and happy crafting!!
Today's quote: Good character is more to be praised than outstanding talent. Most talents are, to some extent, a gift. Good character, by contrast, is not given to us. We have to build it, piece by piece, by thought, choice, courage, and determination.
xo ~ Laura