Hi!! Well this morning turned out to be an interesting way to start my day. We ended up getting a weather front in very early this morning and when I got up this morning at 5:00 a.m., I let the dogs out and saw some snow but thought no big deal as it didn't look all that bad. So out the door I went at 5:50 a.m., only to find out 5 minutes into my drive it was whiteout conditions and I couldn't even see the road. I made it to the next exit, called my boss and said I can't see anything and it's dumping snow and she said turn around and go home now, so I did. So it is a personal day for me today which was fine as I was able to do some crafting :) What a better way to spend a snow day by doing something I love!!
My Mom and Dad would have been hitting their 60th wedding anniversary on the 3rd of January and I know how bad she wanted Dad to hang on until then SOOOOOOO I decided to do something very special up for her and made her this adoreable picture frame.

And what else??? Well Dad and I had talked before he passed away about their anniversary and told me some very special things which no one else knew about so I put together this letter for my Dad and put it in the card I made for her. I know she is going to cry but it will mean so much to her :)
Here is the letter to Mom via me from my Dad :)
To my wonderful wife on what would have been 60 years of marriage
January 3rd, 1951 – January 3rd, 2011
Although I am not physically here on what would have been our 60th wedding anniversary, I would have wanted to let you know how much you meant to me and all the memories that we had shared over this time. I was a very fortunate man and married the love of my life and wouldn’t have changed a thing.
You are such a wonderful and caring woman who was always there with me, all the way to the end. Just know that you fulfilled your wedding vows to me with such strong beliefs and dedication……..
For better or worse
Through sickness and health
For richer or poorer
Til death do us part
You are an amazing human being, loving Mother and were my best friend and wife. The love that you have for life definitely shows and I knew that you would be just fine without me. You are full of life and will move forward and live the remaining part of your life with joy and laughter, which is what I would want.
So remember our memories, and know in your heart that I loved you so very much and will be forever in your heart.
Happy 60th Wedding Anniversary Lola
Love always,
So have a a wonderful day and happy crafting!!
Today's quote: "Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day"
xo ~ Laura
Linking up to:
Someday Crafts
That is something your Mom will always treasure. Thanks for sharing it.
Laura that is the sweetest letter I have ever read... your Mom is going to cherish that I am sure.
I am sure your Dad would approve also... what a sweet love story.
Glad you got to spend the day home and you have an understanding boss.
You have a great day and be careful out there sista...
Hugs, Deb
What a wonderful thing you have done for your mother, she will be so touched.
You know, I think you should get the daughter of the year award.
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