Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Good evening :)  I've been working on a few projects that is for my new grandson's nursery.  His Mom sent me a few ideas so I figured out what, when and how and off I went.
Both of Carson's parents love the outdoors and anything to do with it so he will have no choice but to adjust and learn to love it also lol.  They are so cute as they sat down, went through things and decided what they wanted the nursery to look like, what colors and the theme they wanted to do.  Brandon also makes customized fishing rods and Carson will have one waiting for him when he's born with his name on it and everything.  So cute :)
So are you curious as to what I've been doing for it?  Think wood lol.  Carissa had been surfing for ideas about wall hangings and she sent me this saying.  I got out one of my boards I had, my wood burning pen, my vinyl and cartridge and this is what I came up with.  It is all done except I have to put the hanger on the back.  Cute huh :)

When they found out that Carson was going to be a boy back on the 8th, she had seen a frame with this on it so I thought why not incorporate the vinyl and wood into a little frame that holds his ultrasound picture.  Love how they both turned out actually :)

Carissa is having her babyshower the end of September.....can you guess what the theme is for it???  lol.  I'll give you a hint.......stay tuned for some fun things from that project.
Well I'm back to more projects.  Hope you're having a wonderful week!  Happy crafting :)
xo - Laura