Sunday, September 19, 2010

3 down!! Proud Momma

Happy Monday!!

Over the past few days, you've seen that Carissa and I have spent quiet a bit of time working together working on her bridesmaids albums.  Well this one, I wanted to post to show you some of the hard work that she has been doing a lot by herself.  I have to say that girl has an eye for detail and she makes her Momma proud :)

So for Ashley her true country girlfriend!!
Each of the albums have cards attached in the front with a very personalized not directly from the bride herself.

And what cowgirl doesn't have her own scarf :)

Have to get those lucky horseshoes right?
Oh how I LOVE these pink cowgirl boots!!
What friends are about with no doubt
Oh and these aren't wimpy country girls, they know how to shoot with the best of them.  Their boyfriends/fiances have taught them well.
And of course, they do laugh out loud when they put those boys in line.
Gotta have your hat and wouldn't be complete without those long horns right?  lol

Sums it all up :)

It has been fun to watch all this transpire for her and watch how she also pours her sweet heart and soul into these gifts.  I think she did a fabulous job on this one.  The tags are all completed except for the ribbons, and of course she is also putting on a few pictures that she has picked out and #3 will be done!!  Only 2 more to go :)  Whew!!

Have a fabulous day and happy crafting!!

xo ~ Laura


Granny said...

It looks great. So much thought and detail went into it. I'm sure that Ashley will be thrilled.

Gail said...

Congrats to Ashley for a job well looks great!

Have a wonderful day.

Trisha said...

Thanks for becoming a follower and entering my candy! You have wonderful creations-have become a follower too-but my piccie isn't showing up? xoxo Trisha