Saturday, May 26, 2012

Can someone please slow time down!!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!  Wow, where is the time flying to?  It was already a year ago that we had just finished Brandon and Carissa's wedding, we had sent them on their honeymoon to Mexico and I was starting to finally slow down.  Well I guess time didn't think that it was necessary to slow down.  A lot has happened this past year, some good and some not so good but that's life right?

I've been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis for the past 3 months and have been physical therapy twice a week for the past month.  It is starting to get a little better but I can't be on my feet for very long or it flares up and gets inflammed.  You don't realize how important those little feet are until something like this happens. Well things can only get better :)

So what exciting news is happening?  Well I started a new job 2 1/2 months ago!   But no, that isn't the exciting news lol.  The newest excitement with the family is .........

Yup, #7 grandbaby is on it's way :)  Carissa and Brandon are expecting their first little one December 27th, 2012!  We are all excited as the youngest grandbaby is 6 yrs old now so we're going to get a baby fix again :)  So now I have a few ideas on things I want to work on for the next activity, yup the baby shower.  I have some time to get my ideas together since she's only 10 weeks along lol :)

Well I just wanted to let you know that yes I am still alive and I have been keeping up with reading the blogs, just haven't had time to do much or post anything exciting so I'll be working on that :)

Have a great holiday weekend and be safe!! 

xo ~ Laura