Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My lil pumpkin :)

Happy Wednesday!!

Whew what an exhausting day on Monday.  I need to win the big Lotto and retire and soon!!  I started out having to go to Caregiver training for Dad so he can be discharged from rehab on Thursday. Check!!  After doing that and spending some time with him, off to go find a new walker for when he gets back to the apartment.  Check!!  Came home and made a few adult bibs for him as he has a harder time hitting his mouth so to protect his clothes decided to give that one a try.  Check!!  Had to grab Dad's clothes and wash them so that Mom didn't have to worry about it along with 2 new sweatpant sets for her as all of hers is down at the house and she's getting cold.  Check!!  She lost her pill container that she takes for their medications in when they go to the diningroom so got busy with a small cigar tin and took care of that.  Check!!  Had to deliver the walker and clothes over to Mom and had dinner with her.  Check!!  Then as I was getting ready to go home and she said she was out of shringes for her diabetic insulin as the medical company was supposed to have sent them and that was supposed to be delivered by the 16th so off to the store to pick up a 10 pk of shringes and deliver them back to the apartment as she can't drive at night.  Check!!  Finally 10 hours later I am home for the night!!  Now you see why I need to win Lotto??? lol

Here is my cute styrofoam pumpkin I made.  I started out with just a plain ball and took my boner (tool for card maker) and made lines down it to look like a pumpkin and poked a hole in the top for the stem.

Then I painted it orange and put a cinnamon stick in it and let it dry.

Finished it off with a few pieces of twine and some ribbon to make it look like it was part of a dried vine and green stem.  Kinda cute :)

Here is the pill tin I also made :)

Cute giveaways I'm doing:

Have a great day and happy crafting!!



Connie said...

Gee, I broke a sweat just reading your post. You better slow down and take care of yourself or you will need your children to come take care of you.

Cute little punkin you whipped up, so clever.

LV said...

You had better slow down and smell the roses. Trust all goes well for your dad. You did a fabulous job on your pumpkin. I like it better than the usual orange ones.

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

I need a massage and a martini after reading all that. I'm exhausted.
I've had days like that--and recently. Doesn't seem they are going to end on a happy note either....*sigh*
Take care of you...It sounds like they are going to be needing a lot of help.

Anonymous said...

your pumpkin is adorable. Would love to have you link up at with us at Fantabulous Friday!